Course Overview
Christian Faith and Living Today
Course Description
Christian Faith and Living is a practical course about how to live as a Christian in our world. The course will provide students with the skills needed to study and interpret scripture, pray, relate to the body of Christ, interact with the world, and evaluate the influences they encounter.
In this course, students will examine:
- Their Identity in Christ
- Spiritual Disciplines
- Christian Citizenship
- Overcoming Obstacles to Faith
- Spiritual Maturity
- Explain what a Christian is and what a Christian does.
- Practice disciplines that will help them to grow in their faith.
- Relate as a Christian to other people in their home, community, and workplace.
- Deal with obstacles to their faith.
- Develop strategies for a lifelong commitment to discipleship.
Christian Faith and Living will achieve its objectives by means of:
- Reading
- Scripture memorization
- Questions
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Projects
- Reflections
Curriculum Content
Who Am I?
- What Is a Christian?
- Saved by Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ Is My Lord
- Disciple
- Created to Be Human
- Created for a Purpose
- Loved by God
- Reflection
Spiritual Disciplines
- Bible Study Part 1
- Bible Study Part 2
- Prayer
- Daily Quiet Time
- Worship
- Tithing
- Confession
- Fasting
The Christian Citizen
- Prayer Walk
- Service Project
- Career
- Stewardship of the Earth
- Government
- Family
- Church
- Difficult People
- Reflection
Overcoming Obstacles
- Doubt
- Temptation
- Stress
- Materialism
- Peer Pressure
- Pride
- Unforgiveness
- Habitual Sin
Moving Forward
- Spiritual Maturity
- Decisions
- Christian Leadership
- The Great Commission
- Walk in the Spirit
- Spiritual Gifts
- The Greatest Gift
Semester Review & Final
- Course Review Christ Faith and Living Today
- Exam: Christian Faith and Living Today – Semester
Supplemental Resources
Students will need access to a Bible, either in print or online.