
Course Overview

Christian Faith and Living applies what students have learned in their study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. The course focuses on personal Christian ministry, the nature of God, comparative religions, and the writings of James, John, David, Solomon, and Daniel. These areas target three content strands: the attributes of God, biblical literature, and Christian growth.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to do the following:

  • Understand the unique identity of a Christian.
  • Pursue the various opportunities to serve as a Christian.
  • Explain the Christian view of the Trinity.
  • Identify the meaning of James’ and John’s letters.
  • Describe the contents of the book of Daniel.
  • Contrast Christianity with other religions of the world.
  • Use God’s wisdom to solve problems among today’s youth.
  • Identify the practical steps toward successful Christian living.

Additional Resources

In addition to the default course program, Christian Faith and Living includes alternate assignments for use in enhancing instruction or addressing individual needs.

Bible Reference List

Although specific Bible verses are given in the assignments, a complete Bible is needed for the Bible curriculum. Other reference tools can assist in the enrichment of lessons and the completion of projects. These references include:

  • Bible Dictionary
  • Bible Handbook
  • Bible Encyclopedia
  • Bible Atlas
  • Bible Commentary
Charity Christian Academy