Content Overview
Course Description
Christian Theology introduces students to the study of theology and the major topics addressed in systematic theology: Revelation, theology proper (the doctrine of God), Christology, pneumatology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. The course will:
- provide students with a sound theological foundation within the Protestant, evangelical tradition without promoting a particular stream within that tradition.
- under the presupposition that good theology is practical theology, help students apply theological truths to everyday experience.
In this course, students will examine:
- God’s Revelation
- God’s Identity
- God’s Engagement
- God’s Provision
- God’s Victory
- Identify the major topics encountered in the study of systematic theology.
- Engage in conversations about God’s trinitarian identity and God’s multi-faceted work in creation among humans.
- Acquire insight into God’s work in their lives – past, present, and future.
- Encounter the three persons of the Trinity, intellectually and personally.
- Develop the ability to evaluate truth claims through a Christian worldview lens.
- Engage in thoughtful theological reflection, using biblical data and reliable secondary sources.
- Establish a firm foundation for life-long learning.
Christian Theology will achieve its objectives by means of:
- Reading
- Scripture memorization
- Questions
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Project
Curriculum Contents
God’s Revelation
- The Study of Theology, Part 1
- The Study of Theology, Part 2
- The Purpose of Theology
- The Ground of Theology
- The Sources of Theology
- The Method of Theology
God’s Identity
- The Existence of God
- The Person of God
- The Triune Nature of God
- The Work of God in Creation
- The Worship of God
God’s Engagement
- The Person of the Son
- The Incarnation of the Son
- The Work of the Son
- The Crucifixion and Resurrection of the Son
- The Ascension and Session of the Son
- The Person of the Holy Spirit
- The Work of the Holy Spirit
- The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
God’s Provision
- The Origin of Humans
- The Constitutional Nature of Humans
- The Sinfulness of Humans
- The Salvation of Humans
- The Establishment of the Church
- The Mission of the Church
- The Governance of the Church
- The Worship of the Church
- The Sacraments/Ordinances of the Church
God’s Victory
- The Intermediate State
- The Second Coming of Jesus
- The General Resurrection
- The Final Judgment
- The Millennium
- The Restoration of Eden
Supplemental Resources
Students will need access to a Bible, either in print or online.
Students do not need to purchase a dictionary of theological terms to successfully complete Christian Theology.
Although students will find definitions for many theological terms in Christian Theology, they may find a current, reliable, and substantive dictionary of theological terms and concepts useful. They will find the following helpful:
Davie, Martin, Tim Grass, Stephen R. Holmes, John McDowell, and T. A. Nobel, editors. New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic, 2nd edition. IVP Academic, 2016.
Elwell, Walter A. editor. Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Baker, 1996. https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionaries/bakers-evangelical-dictionary/. Accessed on 26 December 2022.
Grenz, Stanley J, David Guretzki, and Cherith Fee Nordling. Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms. InterVarsity Press, 1999.
McKim, Donald K. The Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms. 2nd ed. Westminster John Knox Press, 2014.
Trier, Daniel and Walter A. Elwell, editors. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. 3rd edition. Baker Academic, 2017.