Course Overview

Math 300 is a full-year elementary math course focusing on number skills and numerical literacy. In it, students will gain solid experience with number theory and operations, learning how to apply these in measurement situations. This course also integrates geometric concepts and skills throughout the units, as well as introducing students to statistical concepts.

  • Unit 1: Calculate problems using addition and subtraction.
  • Unit 2: Identify number patterns and build on addition and subtraction skills.
  • Unit 3: Use units of measurement and build on addition and subtraction skills.
  • Unit 4: Demonstrate understanding of place value to thousands place.
  • Unit 5: Review place value, measurement, and operations.
  • Unit 6: Use the operations of multiplication, addition, and subtraction.
  • Unit 7: Determine probability, and review operations and measurement.
  • Unit 8: Calculate fractions and decimals, and review operations and place value.
  • Unit 9: Review number patterns, operations, fractions, and shapes.
  • Unit 10: Use addition, subtraction, and multiplication in various ways and review multiple topics.



  • Identify patterns in number order (0-100).
  • Compare numbers written in different ways and use place value counters appropriately.
  • Compare numbers written as digits with different place value counters to digits including zeroes.
  • Identify real-life applications of addition and calculate basic addition problems.
  • Calculate basic subtraction problems, multi-digit addition and subtraction problems, and addition problems with carrying.
  • Label and use the parts of a number line to add and subtract.
  • Construct expanded notation patterns for numbers and use a hyphen in numbers appropriately.
  • Label numbers with words up to hundreds place value.
  • Identify patterns in a series of numbers.
  • Use mental math to add and subtract numbers.
  • Calculate measurement for common items including length and general count.
  • Construct true statements using operations symbols.
  • Define cardinal and ordinal numbers.
  • Identify ways to measure time.


  • Identify patterns in sets of numbers.
  • Label and use fact families to show a relationship between numbers.
  • Calculate addition and subtraction problems with carrying and borrowing.
  • Assess your answer to a problem by checking.
  • Identify place value up to the hundreds place.
  • Identify number patterns by skip counting.
  • Calculate addition and subtraction problems using mental math.
  • Recognize word forms of a number.
  • Construct fractions from images of parts of a whole.
  • Recognize and compare lines, place shapes, and solid shapes.
  • Construct a value for money with dollars and cents.
  • Calculate addition and subtraction problems with carrying and borrowing.


  • Calculate basic addition and subtraction problems using mental math.
  • Identify and use common fact families.
  • Calculate addition problems with and without carrying and subtraction problems with and without borrowing.
  • Assess answers by checking for correctness.
  • Identify common methods for measuring volume and weight.
  • Identify number order and place value.
  • Read and understand number sentences and their symbols.
  • Construct fractions from images of parts of a whole.
  • Differentiate a.m. and p.m. when telling time.
  • Calculate values of money in dollars and cents.
  • Identify ways to measure time and distance and compare units of measurement and what they are used to find.
  • Calculate measurement for common items including length and general count.
  • Compare and contrast lines and shapes.


  • Demonstrate understanding of place value to thousands place.
  • Identify need and use for zeros in place value.
  • Read and write numbers in numerical and word forms.
  • Calculate addition problems without carrying, addition problems using rounding and estimating, addition and subtraction problems in different formats, and addition and subtraction story problems using money.
  • Identify situations where rounding or estimation are appropriate.
  • Calculate measures of weight, volume, and time.
  • Identify appropriate units of measure for a situation.
  • Interpret and identify number patterns.
  • Identify operation symbols.
  • Add and subtract fraction problems with like denominators.
  • Use Roman numerals to determine time and convert numbers to Roman numerals.
  • Identify fractions as part of a whole in number form.


  • Create number sentences.
  • Calculate addition problems with and without carrying, addition problems using rounding and estimating, subtraction problems with and without borrowing, and addition problems with carrying.
  • Define cardinal and ordinal numbers.
  • Identify place values to the hundreds place.
  • Calculate measurement of temperature.
  • Identify different common operation symbols.
  • Create number sentences in words and digits.
  • Identify shapes with symmetry.
  • Compare and contrast solid and plane shapes.
  • Identify situations where rounding or estimation are appropriate.
  • Calculate perimeter.
  • Differentiate odd and even numbers.
  • Use Roman numerals to determine time and convert numbers to Roman numerals.


  • Use number patterns to complete a skip counting sequence.
  • Identify ways to measure time.
  • Assess answers by checking for correctness.
  • Calculate measures of length or surface area.
  • Identify appropriate units of measure for a situation.
  • Define and calculate perimeter and area of a shape.
  • Calculate addition and subtraction fraction problems with like denominators.
  • Identify fractions as part of a whole in number form.
  • Calculate values of money in dollars and cents.
  • Identify Roman numerals and convert numbers to Roman numerals.
  • Connect addition and multiplication concepts using multiples.
  • Use number patterns to complete a multiplication fact sequence.
  • Identify lines, line segments, and angles.
  • Calculate addition and subtraction story problems, basic temperature measurement. problems, multi-digit addition problems with and without carrying, subtraction problems with and without borrowing, and basic multiplication problems.


  • Calculate addition problems with and without carrying, subtraction problems with and without borrowing, and basic multiplication problems.
  • Identify place value of a number to the thousands place.
  • Use number patterns to complete a multiplication fact sequence.
  • Use questions to determine appropriate types of measurement and calculate basic perimeter problems.
  • Identify parts of a fraction and construct and read mixed numbers.
  • Identify Roman numerals and convert numbers to Roman numerals.
  • Use fractions and/or interpret graphs to interpret probability and likelihood.
  • Interpret and complete a number series.
  • Identify shapes with symmetry.
  • Compare and contrast solid and plane shapes.
  • Construct a value for money with dollars and cents.
  • Use number patterns to complete a multiplication fact sequence.


  • Connect fractions and decimals as parts of a whole.
  • Summarize the correct use of a decimal point in a number, especially money.
  • Convert fractions and decimals in word form to digits.
  • Interpret story problems related to money and calculate addition and subtraction of decimals related to money.
  • Construct expanded notation patterns for numbers.
  • Label numbers with words up to the thousands value.
  • Add mixed numbers.
  • Read and interpret simple directions using cardinal directions.
  • Interpret a picture graph to gain information.
  • Calculate basic multiplication problems, addition and subtraction story problems, and subtraction problems with borrowing including zero.
  • Identify and model strategies for solving word problems.
  • Recognize key elements of a bar graph and coordinate grid and compare types of graphs.


  • Compare numbers and determine the correct symbol to represent their relationship.
  • Identify a number as even or odd.
  • Calculate basic multiplication, addition, and subtraction facts from memory.
  • Assess correctness of problem solving with checking.
  • Compare fractions with images to represent parts of a whole.
  • Read and write fractions accurately and recognize equivalent fractions.
  • Add and subtract like fractions and mixed numbers with common denominators accurately.
  • Identify appropriate unit of measure in a situation.
  • Calculate perimeter and area and conversions of measurements for weight or volume.
  • Identify appropriate unit of measure for temperature.
  • Recognize time on a traditional or digital clock.
  • Identify types of money to represent a given value.
  • Identify shapes with symmetry.
  • Compare and contrast solid and plane shapes.
  • Identify Roman numerals and convert numbers to Roman numerals.
  • Use fractions to interpret probability and likelihood.
  • Interpret graphs to determine probability and likelihood of an outcome.
  • Calculate and construct a plan for solving addition and subtraction story problems.


  • Identify situations where rounding or estimation are appropriate and calculate addition problems using rounding and estimating.
  • Calculate fraction addition problems with like denominators.
  • Calculate basic math facts including multiplication from memory.
  • Interpret graphs to determine probability and likelihood of an outcome.
  • Calculate basic addition and subtraction problems, including story problems.
  • Connect fractions and decimals as parts of a whole.
  • Convert fractions and decimals in word form to digits and fractions to decimals.
  • Add and subtract like fractions and mixed numbers with common denominators accurately, checking for correctness.
  • Identify shapes with symmetry.
  • Compare and contrast solid and plane shapes.
  • Identify Roman numerals and convert numbers to Roman numerals.
  • Calculate measurement for common items including length, weight, and volume.
  • Define and calculate perimeter and area of a shape.


In addition to the default course content, some projects may require paper and pencil or drawing supplies to complete the assignment.

Charity Christian Academy