Course Overview
Math 400 is a full-year elementary math course focusing on number skills and mathematical literacy. In it, students will gain solid experience with number theory and operations, including decimals and fractions. This course also integrates geometric concepts and skills throughout the units, teaches measurement skills, and introduces students to statistical concepts.
- Unit 1: Use place value, fact families, and number patterns
- Unit 2: Use knowledge of patterns and operations to round and estimate
- Unit 3: Identify whole numbers and compare fractions
- Unit 4: Identify the qualities of shapes and angles, and review various concepts
- Unit 5: Use strategies for division and multiplication, and use units of measurement for capacity, weight, and length
- Unit 6: Use multiplication strategies and fractions to solve problems
- Unit 7: Use patterns to add, subtract, compare, and convert fractions
- Unit 8: Use division strategies and fractions to solve problems
- Unit 9: Read, write, and compare decimals and fractions
- Unit 10: Collect and interpret data using different types of graphs, and review various concepts
Curriculum Content and Skills Focus
- Identify patterns in number order (0-1,000)
- Use place value counters appropriately and identify the place value of a digit
- Identify real-life applications of addition and subtraction
- Calculate multi-digit addition and subtraction problems with and without carrying
- Identify and construct numbers in standard, word, and expanded form
- Identify patterns in a group of numbers and use number patterns to complete a multiplication fact sequence
- Calculate basic multiplication problems
- Identify ways to measure time and the rules for using words to write money
- Write cardinal and ordinal numbers using both numbers and words
- Identify the elements of mental math strategies
- Read and write fractions accurately
- Create number sentences in words and digits
- Identify the parts of addition and subtraction problems including different common operation symbols
- Calculate addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems
- Create number sentences in words and digits
- Use questions to determine appropriate types of measurement and calculate basic measurement problems for time, volume, money, and distance
- Identify patterns in number order (0-10,000)
- Use a place value counters appropriately
- Construct numbers in standard, word, and expanded form and differentiate odd and even number
- Compare numbers and determine the correct symbol to represent their relationship
- Calculate missing numbers in an addition or subtraction problem with checking
- Calculate addition and subtraction fraction problems with like denominators
- Round and estimate numbers to the nearest tens or hundreds place
- Identify operation symbols and symbols that show relationships between numbers
- Differentiate standard types of measure for time, volume, distance, and money
- Recognize equivalent fractions and estimate sums and differences of fractions using benchmark fractions
- Calculate basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems
- Recognize key elements of a bar graph
- Identify patterns in number order (0-10,000)
- Use a place value counters appropriately
- Construct numbers in standard, word, and expanded form
- Round numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, and thousands place
- Calculate multiplication problems using regrouping and carrying
- Identify when to use regrouping and borrowing in subtraction and addition problems
- Calculate addition problems using rounding and estimating
- Read and write fractions accurately and recognize equivalent fractions
- Estimate answers to the nearest thousands place
- Compare numbers and determine the correct symbol to represent their relationship
- Assess correctness of problem solving with checking
- Calculate multiplication of fractions using cross-multiplication
- Identify values with numbers and words including the place value of a digit
- Calculate missing numbers in an addition, multiplication, or subtraction problem with checking
- Interpret data displayed in a stem and leaf plot, a line graph, to solve a problem
- Define and recognize plane and solid shapes
- Analyze shapes for special properties and compare and contrast lines, polygons, and shapes
- Calculate multi-digit addition and subtraction problems with and without borrowing
- Identify patterns in number order (0-10,000)
- Use a place value counters appropriately
- Construct numbers in standard, word, and expanded form
- Round numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, and thousands place
- Calculate multiplication problems using regrouping and carrying
- Review lines, rays, angles, and circles
- Define elements of a map including scale and a compass rose
- Read and write fractions accurately
- Compare and contrast equivalent, proper, and improper fractions
- Calculate missing numbers in an addition, multiplication, or subtraction problem with checking
- Use a protractor to measure and draw angles and identify the measure of angles
- Solve addition and subtraction problems to find missing angle measures
- Compare numbers and determine the correct symbol to represent their relationship
- Recognize and relate division computation to multiplication strategies
- Identify parts of a division problem by name
- Calculate basic division and multiplication problems
- Review addition and subtraction strategies, time, and place value
- Review customary and metric units for linear measurement
- Calculate measurement of capacity and weight for common items
- Compare units of measure and what they are used to find
- Recognize and relate division computation to multiplication strategies
- Find the length, width, or perimeter of a rectangle by using the formula for perimeter
- Find the length, width, or area of a rectangle by using the formula for area
- Calculate missing numbers in an addition, multiplication, or subtraction problem with checking
- Use Roman numerals to determine time and convert numbers to Roman numerals
- Identify sequences of numbers
- Differentiate prime and composite numbers and multiples and factors of a number
- Calculate basic multiplication problems and division problems with possible remainders
- Recognize and relate division computation to multiplication strategies
- Read, write, and order fractions and mixed numbers accurately
- Compare and contrast proper and improper fractions
- Calculate addition and subtraction of mixed numbers
- Recognize and identify equivalent fractions and calculate equivalent fractions by reducing
- Calculate multiplication of fractions using cross-multiplication
- Review measurement, division, Roman numerals, shapes, and rounding
- Define and use inverse operations in equations
- Identify and calculate missing number equations with parentheses, variables, and constants using order of operations
- Calculate multiplication and division problems.
- Recognize and relate division computation to multiplication strategies
- Model multiplication concepts using factors, variables, and multiples
- Define and differentiate multiples and factors of a number
- Calculate missing number equations with variables and constants using order of operations
- Calculate averages of numbers with addition and division strategies and identify even and odd numbers in the process of calculating averages
- Read and write fractions accurately and calculate fractions reduced or simplified to lowest terms
- Compare and contrast proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers
- Calculate addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers
- Define and differentiate cardinal and ordinal numbers
- Identify patterns in number order (0-10,000)
- Use place value counters appropriately
- Construct numbers in standard, word, and expanded form
- Round numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, and thousands place
- Compare units of measure and what they are used to find
- Review operations and money
- Model multiplication concepts using factors, variables, and multiples
- Define and differentiate prime and composite numbers
- Calculate basic division problems with possible remainders
- Recognize and relate division computation to multiplication strategies
- Review strategies for writing, adding, and subtracting fractions
- Calculate lowest common denominator for a set of fractions or mixed numbers
- Define and apply use of inverse operations in equations
- Calculate missing number equations with variables, constants, and parentheses
- Calculate measurement for common items using the metric system
- Identify ways to measure time
- Calculate multiplication problems with one and two digit multipliers
- Identify situations where rounding is appropriate and calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problems using rounding
- Review Roman numerals
- Connect decimals as parts of a whole
- Read and write decimals in word, decimal, or fraction form
- Convert fractions to decimal digits and interpret the value of each place value digit
- Use expanded notation to represent the value of digits in whole numbers up to 1,000,000,000 and decimals to the hundredths
- Compare and order whole numbers to one billion using the comparison symbols
- Compare and order decimals using concrete and visual models to the hundredths
- Write and compare decimals in word, decimal, or fraction form
- Develop useful strategies for decimal sums and differences and apply appropriate step-by-step processes to solve a problem
- Analyze whole number and decimal computations accurately
- Review adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole number
- Calculate addition and subtraction problems using monetary values with correct use of decimal point in a number
- Describe financial literacy, fixed and variable costs, profit, and the basic purpose of banks
- Review fractions and mixed numbers
- Calculate the average of a set of numbers accurately
- Calculate addition problems using rounding and estimating
- Define and identify terms associated with coordinate grids such as: axis, point, and ordered pair
- Use data collection to interpret probability and likelihood
- Define and apply random samples in data collection
- Define and differentiate estimation and prediction
- Define and apply random samples in data collection and compare estimations to results based on a random sampling of data
- Define and differentiate types of graphs commonly used including: line, bar, pie, and picture graphs
- Calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers
- Read and write decimals in word, decimal, or fraction form
- Convert fractions to decimal digits
- Apply strategies to solve story problems with fractions
- Review fractions and shapes
Additional Resources
In addition to the default course content, some projects may require paper and pencil or drawing supplies to complete the assignment.
The following lessons require specific materials that are not included in this course and must be acquired separately:
Unit | Assignment Title | Supply List |
4 | Angles in Shapes | • a protractor |
10 | Project: Collecting Data Project: Predicting Data |
• 4 small paper bags • large glass jar • assorted objects of 4 different colors |