Course Overview
Old Testament Survey 2 examines biblical history from the establishment of a monarchy in Israel to the Jewish people’s return to their homeland after decades of exile. As students survey these books of the Old Testament, they will continue to learn about the “big picture” of Scripture and how these stories of humanity’s unfaithfulness and God’s faithfulness relate to their own lives. Thus, the goal of this course is two-fold—(1) to know the Word of God better in order (2) to know the God of the Word better.
In this course, students will study the following portions of the Old Testament:
- The Monarchy of Saul
- The Monarchies of David and Solomon
- Poetry and Wisdom
- The Divided Kingdom
- Exile and Restoration
- Summarize the “big picture” of the Old Testament.
- Develop the skill of interpreting the Bible.
- Reflect on the Old Testament’s relevance to their own spiritual lives.
- Learn about the character of God through Old Testament stories.
- Learn about the character of God through Old Testament stories.
- Identify what God wants for his people.
- Understand how the Old Testament points forward to Jesus Christ.
Old Testament Survey 2 will achieve its objectives by means of:
- Reading
- Scripture Memorization
- Questions
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Project
Curriculum Contents
- The Monarchy of Saul
- Samuel the Prophet
- Saul Chosen as King
- Saul Rejected by God
- David Chosen by God
- David and Goliath
- Saul Pursues David
- David Spares Saul
- The Final Days of Saul
- The Monarchies of David and Solomon
- The Reign of David
- The Davidic Covenant
- David and Bathsheba
- A Family at War
- The Wisdom of Solomon
- The Folly of Solomon
- Poetry and Wisdom
- Job I
- Job II
- Psalms I
- Psalms II
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Songs I
- Song of Songs II
- The Divided Kingdom
- A Nation Splits
- The Ministry of Elijah
- Amos and Hosea
- Jonah
- The History of Judah
- Prophets in the South
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah and the Fall of Jerusalem
- Exile and Restoration
- Ezekiel and Exile
- Daniel
- Esther
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- An Unfinished Story
- Great Expectations
Supplemental Resources
Students will need access to a Bible, either in print or online.