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Course Overview

Science 300 is a basic elementary course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in God’s physical universe. This course provides a broad survey of the major areas of science. Some of the areas covered in Science 300 include the human body, plants, animals, health and nutrition, matter, sound waves, earth science, and heat energy.

The course seeks to develop the student’s ability to understand and participate in scientific inquiry. The units contain experiments and projects designed to build on children’s natural curiosity. The student will explore, observe, and manipulate everyday objects and materials in their environment. Collectively, this should help students develop a subject-matter knowledge base.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to do the following:

  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the systems in a human body.
  • Discuss the process a plant goes through in order to grow.
  • Explain the difference between types of animals.
  • Determine which eating and care habits are the most healthy for students.
  • Distinguish between the three phases of matter and describe their properties.
  • Explain how sound travels.
  • Describe why time and seasons change.
  • Discuss how rocks are formed and how they change.
  • Explain how heat is produced.

Additional Resources

Some assignments in this course require the use of resources that must be supplied by the user. A list of these outside resources is available from the link below.

List of required resources

In addition to the default course program, Science 300 includes extra alternate assignments, experiments/projects, and tests for use in enhancing instruction or addressing individual needs. These are listed below.

Unit 1

  • Experiment: Your Lungs
  • Project: Bone Numbers
  • Alternate Test

Unit 2

  • Experiment: Study a Stem
  • Experiment: Plant a Piece of Potato
  • Experiment: Bean Plant
  • Alternate Test

Unit 3

  • Experiment: Heat Energy Comparison
  • Project: Sort Birds By Type
  • Alternate Test

Unit 4

  • Project: Lunch Chart
  • Project: Dinner Chart
  • Project: Chart Totals
  • Alternate Test

Unit 5

  • Experiment: Think about Mass
  • Experiment: Is Air Matter
  • Project: Matter List
  • Experiment: Is Water Matter?
  • Experiment: Melting Ice Cubes
  • Alternate Test

Unit 6

  • Experiment: Loud or Soft?
  • Report: How Animals Hear
  • Alternate test

Unit 7

  • Experiment: The Earth’s Rotation
  • Report: Months
  • Alternate Test

Unit 8

  • Alternate Test

Unit 9

  • Experiment: Static Electricity
  • Alternate Test

Unit 10

  • Alternate Test
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Charity Christian Academy