
Course Overview

American Literature is a five-unit elective that engages high school students in a literary conversation with some of the most colorful and influential minds in American history. Their words will give students a greater understanding of themselves, their culture, and the ideas of others. The course teaches students the various movements in American literature, starting with the roots of American literature in writings from the Puritans. The course concludes with works by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other black writers who were part of the struggle for racial freedom during the civil rights era.


By then of this course students should be able to:

  • Recognize the religious beliefs of selected founding fathers, as evidenced in their writings.
  • Identify the birth of a distinctively American literature.
  • Recognize the impact of slavery on individuals and society.
  • Understand and identify the influence of modernism upon religion and the arts.
  • Recognize the dominant themes and techniques used in literature at the end of the twentieth century.

Required Resources

Some assignments in this course require the use of resources that must be acquired separately. These outside resources are listed below by assignment.


Unit Assignment Resource
4 Required Unit Reading
  • Our Town, byThornton Wilder. HarperPerennial Modern Classics. ISBN: 9780060512637 
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Charity Christian Academy