
Course Overview

This course discusses careers in Logistics Planning and Management Services, and provides students with the history of logistics and recent advances in the field. The history of logistics creates a foundation of knowledge to build our understanding of the social and economic benefits of modern logistics. Modern societies and economic development depend on the ability to transport products from their point of origin to store shelves and then into the hands of consumers. Current trends in logistics favor low-cost methods, safety, technology, sustainability, and regulations to keep the goods flowing from their source to the consumers.

Packaging goods and materials for safe transport begins with knowing what is being handled. Goods that are intended for consumers have different packaging requirements than materials being shipped to manufacturers. Unitization makes it possible to move goods easily inside warehouse and distribution centers and between modes of transportation. Goods are often shipped through a combination of air, land, rail, and sea modes of transportation. When deciding which node to use, logistics managers consider the location, transportation plan, routing, convenience, security, and costs related to their node decision.

Managing inventory involves decision making and analysis to ensure the goods and materials flow through the logistics channels and supply chain properly. Inventory is an asset that the business carries to add revenues and profits. Identifying the need for goods and services is the first step in obtaining goods and services. Within the logistics process, many goods and services are obtained through a process of procurement. Space, time, and money are all important factors to consider when managing existing inventories and the need for future inventories.

Decision makers often look for a balance between the speed and the cost to ship goods. Documentation is needed to identify goods, enable tracking, indicate where the goods are from, and where they are being shipped. Liability for goods is common in all modes of shipping. Risk management identifies, analyzes, and evaluates elements of the business that can go wrong. These liabilities can be outside of the company’s control, but many can be prevented. Regulatory agencies create rules and regulations that are intended to protect the public from many risks. Risk management considers the potential for risk— insurance is one way to minimize the risk. Everyone who holds a financial interest in the goods, vehicles, and property wants to know they are protected, so they buy insurance.

Regulatory agencies work in cooperation with other agencies to minimize the risks and liabilities for employers and their employees. OSHA advises employers, their staff, labor unions, and industry leaders on what they can do to keep the workplace safe. They also inspect the workplace to ensure the employers are in compliance with OSHA standards. Logistics offers many career opportunities across seven career pathways. Logistics is a high growth industry, and is a stable career choice. There is something for every career-seeker, ability, and experience level.

The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the field of logistics planning and management and to explain the career opportunities that are available in this field.


  • Apply communication skills with students, parents and other groups to enhance learning and a commitment to learning.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills while processing logistics management perspectives, warehouse and distribution operations, inventory controls, regulations, and safety procedures.
  • Categorize risks to safety, health, and the environment in the logistics industry.
  • Demonstrate collaboration skills to enhance professional objectives for the company and the customer.
  • Describe the rights and responsibilities that apply to individuals and practitioners within the logistics industry.
  • Define professional development requirements to maintain employment and to advance in their chosen career.
  • Apply organizational skills and logic to enhance their abilities and aptitudes.
  • Demonstrate skills that enhance their understanding of safety in the workplace.

Careers in Logistics Planning and Management Services Course Requirements

There are no requirements that must be met before the student begins this course.

Careers in Logistics Planning and Management Services Course Outline

Unit 1: Providing and Managing Logistics Services for the Company and the Customer

  • Chapter 1: Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics — Then and Now!
    • Lesson: The Role of Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics in Society and the Economy
      • Project: From Origin to Consumer
    • Lesson: Current Trends in Logistics
    • Lesson: You Are the Future of Logistics
      • Project: Making Goals
  • Chapter 2: Logistics and the Supply Chain
    • Lesson: Logistics Management and the Supply Chain
      • Project: Goods and their Origins
    • Lesson: The Challenges of Transporting Goods
    • Lesson: Making Logistics Easier With Technology
      • Project: Process Improvement

Unit 2: Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Chapter 1: Material Handling
    • Lesson: Material Handling: Packaging
      • Project: Consumer Goodies
    • Lesson: Material Handling: Unitization
    • Lesson: Material Handling: Weights & Measures
      • Project: The Space Shuttle Endeavor
  • Chapter 2: Warehousing, Distribution, and Pricing
    • Lesson: Warehousing
      • Project: Kansas City SmartPort
    • Lesson: Distribution is the Center of Activity Within
      • Project: Where did you Get That?
    • Lesson: Pricing

Unit 3: Inventory and Inventory Management

  • Chapter 1: Inventory Management
    • Lesson: Inventory
      • Project: Taking Stock Part I
    • Lesson: Inventory Management
      • Project: Taking Stock Part II
    • Lesson: Inventory Accounting
  • Chapter 2: Procurement and Purchasing
    • Lesson: Procurement and Purchasing
      • Project: Colgate’s Procurement Process
    • Lesson: Managing Procurement and Purchasing
      • Project: Business Culture
    • Lesson: Optimizing Procurement Practices

Unit 4: Transportation Management

  • Chapter 1: Transportation, Documentation, and Liability
    • Lesson: Modes of Transportation
      • Project: Mode to Go
    • Lesson: Documentation
      • Project: Importing and Exporting
    • Lesson: Liability
  • Chapter 2: Risk Management
    • Lesson: Managing Transportation Risk
      • Project: Risk Management
    • Lesson: Regulating Risk
      • Project: Emergency Response
    • Lesson: Insuring Risk

Unit 5: Logistics Safety & Opportunity

  • Chapter 1: Safety First
    • Lesson: OSHA Rights & Responsibilities
      • Project: OSHA’s Forms
    • Lesson: Safety First
      • Project: Hazardous Materials
    • Lesson: Working & Safety
  • Chapter 2: You are the Future of Logistics!
    • Lesson: Career Goals
      • Project: Personality Traits
    • Lesson: Available Careers
      • Project: Creating a Resume
    • Lesson: Career Credentials
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Charity Christian Academy