
Course Overview

The goal of this course is to provide students with an overview of careers in Architecture and Construction in order to assist with informed career decisions. This dynamic, rapidly evolving career cluster is comprised of three pathways (fields): Design and Pre-Construction (Architecture and Engineering); Construction (Construction and Extraction); and Maintenance and Operations (Installation, Maintenance, and Repair). The Architecture and Construction career cluster is defined as careers in building, designing, managing, maintaining, and planning the built environment.

The built environment is not limited to buildings and structures—or to urban environments. A much broader view of the built environment helps students gain a better and more holistic understanding of the impact of the Architecture and Construction industries. The built environment encompasses all zones of human activity—from natural conservation areas with minimal human intervention to highly dense areas with tall skyscrapers and intricate highway systems to suburban cul-de-sacs. The interrelated components that make up the built environment are as varied and unique as the professionals who help shape it.


  • Differentiate each Pathway within the Career Cluster and describe the careers in each pathway
  • Locate and evaluate career information in order to make an informed decision about career goals
  • Identify skills, abilities, and talents needed for careers in Architecture and Construction and analyze how these relate to interest profiles
  • Describe and characterize key technical and creative requisites for each educational path that fits the student’s primary area (or areas) of interest
  • Analyze the impact of the “green economy” on careers in Architecture and Construction.
  • Research and predict the growth of industries that comprise the Career Cluster; analyze the ways that technology, innovation, and creative thinking have impacted these industries
  • Describe and differentiate key attributes of careers
  • Argue how Architecture and Construction careers may change as the economy grows or shrinks
  • Evaluate the impact and importance of the regulation of Architecture and Construction in the following areas: planning and zoning, environmental regulations, OSHA regulations, building codes, and regulations ensuring equal access such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Introduction to Careers in Architecture and Construction Course Requirements

This is an introductory course in careers in architecture and construction. As such, there are no prerequisites other than interest in the subject for the student. Students will need online access in order to locate the research materials they will need to review. Some course projects also require online research. Microsoft Office software or the equivalent is required since the student will create presentations using PowerPoint.

Certain projects suggest some minimal physical field work, but virtual alternatives are available should students lack access to the suggested physical sites.

Communications skills, personal skills in recall and observation, experience assessment, and self-analysis are part of certain projects. Some projects direct students to interact with others to some extent; this should be within reach for any student.

Introduction to Careers in Architecture and Construction Course Outline

Unit 1: Introduction to Careers in Architecture and Construction

  • Chapter 1: Pathways: The Built Environment as an Interrelated System
    • Lesson: Design and Pre-Construction: The Field At a Glance
      • Project: Exploring Nonprofit Construction
    • Lesson: Construction Site Management
      • Project: Analyze a Local Construction Project
    • Lesson: Maintenance and Operations
  • Chapter 2: How You Can Shape the Built Environment
    • Lesson: Department of Labor O*NET Career Tools
      • Project: Maker Essay
    • Lesson: Job Zones and Resources
      • Project: Learning to Teach Others About What You Know
    • Lesson: The Bigger Picture: The Role of Architecture and Construction in the US Economy

Unit 2: Building the Future—the Art and Science of Buildings

  • Chapter 1: The Architect and the Engineer
    • Lesson: The Architect and the Engineer
      • Project: Visualization for Architects and Engineers
    • Lesson: Education for Licensed Professionals: Architects and Engineers
    • Lesson: The Design-build Revolution
      • Project: Design Professionals Doing Humanitarian Work
  • Chapter 2: The Evolution of Buildings
    • Lesson: Residential Construction
      • Project: New Directions in Residential Construction
    • Lesson: Commercial Construction
    • Lesson: The Role of Innovation in the Built Environment
      • Project: Materials

Unit 3 Green Jobs in Architecture and Construction

  • Chapter 1: The Green Economy
    • Lesson: Green Building
    • Lesson: Regulation and Assessment of Green Building
      • Project: Find a LEED Certified Building and Analyze It
    • Lesson: Research and Development and its Impact on Green Building and Construction
      • Project: Home Energy Audit Assignment
  • Chapter 2: Green Jobs
    • Lesson: Green Economy
    • Lesson: Green Jobs
      • Project: Preparing Your Own Emergency Kit
    • Lesson: Green Certification and Green Skills
      • Project: Design a New School Locker

Unit 4: The Arts and the Built Environment: Jobs For Creatives

  • Chapter 1: Pre-Construction and Design Specialists
    • Lesson: Pre-construction and Design Specialists
      • Project: Landscape Architecture in Large-Scale Action
    • Lesson: Interdisciplinary Work Within Specialization
      • Project: Drawing and Geometry: Sketching Exercise
    • Lesson: The Role of Art, History, and Research in Design
  • Chapter 2: History and Tradition of the Building Arts
    • Lesson: Historical Research in Architecture and Construction
      • Project: National Register of Historic Places Project
    • Lesson: The Trades: The Almost-Lost Arts of Master Craftsmen
      • Project: Master Craftsmen Resources Research Project
    • Lesson: The Future of the Past

Unit 5 Building the City

  • Chapter 1: Planning
    • Lesson: Planning
      • Project: Future City Design
    • Lesson: Zoning
      • Project: Retrofitting Urban Sprawl Assignment
    • Lesson: Overview of Prevailing Planning Trends
  • Chapter 2: Civil Engineering
    • Lesson: Evolution of Civil Engineering
      • Project: Tinkercad 3D Modeling Assignment
    • Lesson: Environmental and Civil Engineering
      • Project: The Well-Photographed Bridge Assignment
    • Lesson: The Need for a Resilient Infrastructure
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Charity Christian Academy