Course Overview


This is the second semester of a two-semester study of Computer Science for middle-school students. The students will study and interpret data, as well as collect and create their own data reports, including visual representations of their data. They will acquire skills needed to evaluate the quality of data. In this semester, they will learn about planning a program. They will learn to program with both a block-based programming language (Scratch) and a text-based programming language (Scratch). Both languages are free to use. Students will write programs that use iterative and branching structures. 

Students using Chromebooks may find its limitations cause problems when installing Python. Students with Chromebooks can find a work-around on the internet or use an online Python compiler/interpreter.

Students investigate how computing has changed culture, in schools, business, and other areas of life. They explore ethical issues such as bias, accessibility, global access, privacy rights, and intellectual property rights. Each unit includes a project, giving the student the opportunity to apply concepts and explore individual interests. 

  • Unit 1: Interpret data, including visual representations, and evaluate the quality of data.
  • Unit 2: Use block programming to implement algorithms to create computer programs that  evaluate decisions, implement loops.
  • Unit 3: Use a text-based programming language to explore computation thinking and problem solving.
  • Unit 4: Design programs that create functions, model simulations, and provide for accessibility.
  • Unit 5: Investigate the cultural impact of computing. 
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Curriculum Content and Skills Focus

Unit 1: Data and Analysis

  • Identify and interpret data.
  • Describe how to organize and format data in a spreadsheet.
  • Describe how to use functions in a spreadsheet.
  • Describe and interpret visual representations of data.
  • Describe the most effective ways to organize data to support individual and collaborative work.
  • Compare the quality of data from different data sets based on its characteristics.
  • Collect data and create an analysis using a spreadsheet that includes a visual representation of the data. 
Unit 2: Algorithms and Programming
  • Describe flowcharts and pseudocode.
  • Write a program using block programming.
  • Use variables to evaluate decision statements.
  • Interpret nested decisions.
  • Interpret loops.
  • Plan and implement a block programming project.
Unit 3: Computational Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Interpret lines of code using Python mathematical operators.
  • Write a text-based program.
  • Interpret lines of code that manipulate strings.
  • Interpret code that manipulates lists.
  • Interpret for loops.
  • Interpret decision statements.
  • Interpret code that performs a search.
  • Plan and implement a text programming solution.

Unit 4: Program Design

  • Interpret a function.
  • Interpret a function with parameters.
  • Describe models and simulations.
  • Describe how programs can be modified for accessibility.
  • Describe methods of documentation.
  • Design how a computer system and software can be modified for a particular individual with a disability.

Unit 5: Cultural Impact of Computing

  • Describe how computing has changed schools and the business world.
  • Describe how bias and accessibility affect computing.
  • Describe intellectual property rights.
  • Describe how to give credit appropriately.
  • Describe issues that affect global communication, power, and access.
  • Describe the tradeoffs between giving the public access to information and keeping information private. 
  • Evaluate the cultural impact of a computing device, practice, or technology, including both positive and negative impacts.
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Additional Resources

In addition to the default course content, some projects may require paper and pencil or drawing supplies to complete the assignment. Students use Scratch, a free online block programming language in Unit 2. In Units 3 and 4, students will use Python, a free, open-source programming language. Writing assignments may require a graphic organizer to be printed out and used in the writing process. Students need internet access to use Scratch. Students need internet access to download Python, but once downloaded, Python will work on either a school or home computer. Projects (such as informational essays and data reports) may require students to acquire outside resources for research or reading. Projects usually give the students options for how to submit the project. 

The following lessons require specific materials that are not included in this course and must be acquired separately:
Unit Assignment Resource(s)
1 Project: Your Data Presentation
  • Word processing software
2 Project: Block Programming
  • Internet-enabled device
  • Scratch account
3 Project: Text Programming
  • Word processing software
4 Project: Design for a Client
  • Word processing software
5 Project: Computing and Society
  • Word processing software
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Charity Christian Academy