Office 2010 Applications I is a semester-length, high school elective that explores the use of application skills in Microsoft® Word®, Publisher®, and PowerPoint® 2010. Students will use these applications to design, develop, create, edit, and share business documents, publications, and presentations. This course provides key knowledge and skills in the following Microsoft Office® applications:
Microsoft Word: Students are provided with an introduction to advanced skills in Microsoft Word that range from simply developing an understanding of the various uses of Word to more complex explorations of mail merge, tab stops, reference resources, and additional features available in backstage view.
Microsoft Publisher: Students learn to create publications, insert and edit publication items, and view, review, and share those publications.
Microsoft PowerPoint: Students will learn how to create presentations, enter and modify content, modify and deliver presentations, and collaborate and share PowerPoint presentations.
- Microsoft Word Beginning Skills: Students will learn beginning skills in Word software, including how to create brochures, newsletters and other documents needed in a business environment.
- Microsoft Word Intermediate Skills: Students continue deepening their Word skills by learning about the finer points of the application, including inserting images, text boxes, shapes and tables into documents, and exploring tools they will use as they review and revise documents.
- Microsoft Word Advanced Skills: In this unit, students will focus on combining data from multiple sources to create labels and letters. They will also learn about adding special report features to documents such as endnotes, footnotes and hyperlinks.
- Microsoft Publisher Application: Students will explore the Publisher application, a desktop-publishing application that will allow them to create publications such as newsletters, business cards, brochures, or programs.
- Microsoft Powerpoint Application: Students will focus on the PowerPoint application and its power to design and deliver presentations. By using this application, they will learn to design, develop, and create presentations that can be delivered in many ways.
Curriculum Content and Skills Focus
Unit 1: Microsoft® Word® Beginning Skills
- Identify the types of documents and word-processing tasks can be completed using the Word application.
- • Know how to open the Word application using various methods.
- Navigate through the Word window using the mouse and keyboard and identify the elements of the screen.
- Know how to open, print, and save documents using different methods.
- Be able to enter text and use the Backspace, Delete, Undo and Redo features.
- Be able to format font.
- Identify and apply font styles and use the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clipboard features to modify text.
- Format paragraph alignment, line spacing, indents, bullets, and numbering.
- Format pages with features including margins, page orientation, and columns.
- Apply and edit a theme on a page, format page backgrounds, and add watermarks and page borders.
Unit 2: Microsoft® Word® Intermediate Skills
- Define, insert, and modify a picture and a clip-art image.
- Know how to define, insert, and modify shapes, SmartArt, and text boxes a document.
- Explain the difference between a header and a footer and how to insert these elements.
- Be able to insert a signature line and the date and time in a document.
- Identify how tables can be used, and demonstrate how they can be inserted in the Word application.
- Know how to modify a table in a document.
- Use review tools to include comments and track changes.
- Modify the autocorrect features in the Word application.
Unit 3: Microsoft® Word® Advanced Skills
- Identify the advantage of the mail-merge feature.
- Use the Mail Merge wizard to create labels.
- Set up and execute a mail merge to create business letters.
- Format pages by using the Page Setup features.
- Differentiate between footnotes and endnotes and insert them in a document.
- Define a hyperlink and be able to insert a hyperlink to a Web site, e-mail address, or other place in a document.
- Know how to insert and update a table of contents into a document.
- Be able to share and protect a document and modify the properties using Backstage view.
- Use and create a document template.
Unit 4: Microsoft® Publisher® Application
- Know how to use Publisher templates.
- Be able to design and develop a publication.
- Be able to insert and edit text in a publication by using text boxes and character-formatting features.
- Insert and modify graphics in a publication.
- Explain the purpose of a table and be able to insert and modify a table in a publication.
- Identify the different views of a publication and modify the view to aid in publication development.
- Know how to use Review tools to include proofing and language tools to modify a publication.
- Be able to share and print a publication.
Unit 5: Microsoft® Powerpoint® Application
- Open and identify the sections of a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation. Identify and modify the views of a presentation.
- Modify a slide layout and enter text on a slide.
- Insert visual enhancements to include photos, clip art, SmartArt, and WordArt on a slide.
- Know how to enhance a slide by inserting and modifying charts and tables.
- Be able to define, apply, and modify transitions and animations on slides in a presentation.
- Be able to record and set up timings in a presentation.
- Identify and use presentation tools such as the pen and highlighter when presenting a show.
- Identify the different print options when working with PowerPoint presentations. Know how to print, share, and save a presentation.
Additional Resources
Students must be computer literate and have Internet access. Students should have basic research skills, as well as the ability to conduct online searches and access recommended websites. Word processing and presentation software is required to produce projects.