Course Overview
Physical Fitness is a semester-length elective designed for high school students. The course focuses on the health benefits of regular physical activity and of a long term exercise program.
As students work through the course, they will learn about the many aspects of physical fitness, including basic nutrition, the importance of flexibility, cardiovascular health, muscle and strength training, and realistic goal setting. Along the way, students will be required to maintain and submit an activity log in order to measure progress in course exercises, as well as in personal fitness goals.
Upon completion of Physical Fitness, students should possess the knowledge and skills needed to do the following:
- Analyze the key components of successful physical activity and use this analysis to determine if a program is reasonable and effective.
- Describe the three main types of physical activity that should be included in a exercise regime and the health benefits of each.
- Perform basic fitness exercises associated with the three main types of physical activity discussed in this course.
- Identify the main motivational strategies that can be used to help the student continue in positive fitness habits once this course is completed.
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