Course Overview
Technology and Business is a year-long, high school elective that teaches students technical skills, effective communication skills, and productive work habits needed to make a successful transition into the workplace or postsecondary education. In this course, students gain an understanding of emerging technologies, operating systems, and computer networks. In addition, they create a variety of business documents, including complex word-processing documents, spreadsheets with charts and graphs, database files, and electronic presentations.
This course provides key knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Emerging Technologies
- Operating Systems
- Word Processing
- Spreadsheets
- Databases
- Communication Skills
- Telecommunications
- Electronic Presentations
- Computer Networks
- Project Management
By the end of the course, the student should be able to do the following:
- Select the appropriate technology to address business needs.
- Describe and compare types of operating systems.
- Use the computer’s operating system to execute work responsibilities.
- Identify the purpose and style of various business documents.
- Create complex word-processing documents with columns, bulleted lists, tables, and graphs.
- Improve speed and accuracy of keyboarding.
- Use spreadsheets to calculate, graph, solve business problems, and make predictions.
- Perform data-management procedures using database technology.
- Demonstrate communication skills for obtaining and conveying information.
- Send and receive information using electronic mail, following appropriate guidelines.
- Describe and identify components of the telecommunications industry.
- Create and deliver an effective presentation following presentation guidelines.
- Describe the components required to establish a network.
- Identify the information management requirements and business needs of an organization.
- Use project-management tools and processes to manage a business project successfully.
Below is a list of generic resources required to complete the course:
- word-processor software
- spreadsheet software
- database software
- presentation software
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