9th Grade, Elective, Online Education
COURSE OVERVIEW Physical Education is a semester-long elective designed for high school students. The course focuses on performance of individual and team sports, with explanations of proper technique, rules of the game, and preparation. Team sports introduced include...
10th Grade, Elective, Online Education
Course Overview Personal Financial Literacy is a semester-length elective designed to help high school students prepare for success in making financial decisions throughout their lives. Topics in the course address the advantages of making sound financial decisions in...
10th Grade, Online Education, Science
This course studies Christ-centered content that covers Earth’s structures and movements, fossils, relative and absolute time, oceanography, biological and chemical properties, atmospheric structure, pollution, and climates around the world. (1/2 credit – Grades...
10th Grade, Online Education, Science
This course studies Christ-centered content that covers Earth’s structures and movements, fossils, relative and absolute time, oceanography, biological and chemical properties, atmospheric structure, pollution, and climates around the world. (1/2 credit – Grades...
10th Grade, Online Education, Science
Course Overview Earth Science is a high school science course that explores Earth’s structure, interacting systems, and place in the universe. The course uncovers concepts and processes found in: astronomy – Earth’s place in and interaction with space, geology –...