10th Grade, English Language Arts, Online Education
Course Overview Essentials of Communication: A Guide to Interacting Effectively in Today’s World™ is a five-unit elective course for high school students. The materials cover fundamentals of the communication process important for successful interaction in a...
4th Grade, English Language Arts, Online Education
Course Overview Language Arts 400 focuses on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. After completion of course assignments within the course, student understanding will be...
3rd Grade, English Language Arts, Online Education
Course Overview Language Arts 300 focuses on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. After completion of course assignments within the course, student understanding will be...
5th Grade, English Language Arts, Online Education
Course Overview Language Arts 500 continues to build on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. After completion of course assignments within the course, student understanding...
6th Grade, English Language Arts, Online Education
Course Overview Language Arts 600 continues to build on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. After completion of course assignments within the course, student understanding...
7th Grade, English Language Arts, Online Education
Course Overview Language Arts 700 continues to build on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It most specifically focuses on deepening and furthering students’...