10th Grade, Elective, Online Education
Course Overview French II is a high school foreign language course that builds on and reviews skills and concepts taught in French I through further exposure to communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. Course materials are designed to...
10th Grade, Elective, Online Education
Course Overview In French 1, students begin to develop competence in four basic skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. While developing communicative competence in French, students gain and expand their knowledge of francophone countries and cultures....
10th Grade, Elective, Online Education
Course Overview Family and Consumer Science is a 10-unit elective that uses biblical principles to help high school students develop positive self-esteem and learn to successfully navigate relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and even those in the...
10th Grade, Elective, Online Education
COURSE OVERVIEW This semester-long course is an introduction to the goals, processes, and operations of business enterprises for students. The main focus is on the functions that a company – whether a multinational corporation or a corner grocery store – must manage...
10th Grade, Elective, Online Education
Course Overview This course provides a foundation to understanding key applications, computing fundamentals, and online living. It is one semester with 7 units containing 48 instructional lessons and 1 project. Most lessons in this course are designed to take 1-2 days...
10th Grade, Elective, Online Education
Course Overview Personal Financial Literacy is a semester-length elective designed to help high school students prepare for success in making financial decisions throughout their lives. Topics in the course address the advantages of making sound financial decisions in...