Spanish I

  Course Overview Spanish I is an entry level high school foreign language course that explores the Spanish language through communication, culture, connections, comparisons, and communities. Course materials are designed to support students as they work to gain a...

Spanish III

Course Overview Spanish III is a high school foreign language course that builds upon skills and concepts taught in Spanish II, emphasizing communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. Course materials are designed to support students as they...

Essentials of Mathematics

ESSENTIALS OF MATHEMATICS COURSE OVERVIEW Essentials of Mathematics is a semester-length review of the fundamentals taught in Pre-Algebra, Algebra I and Geometry courses and is useful at the high school level for basic skill remediation and/or practice necessary to...

Life Science

This course studies Christ-centered content that covers Earth’s structures and movements, fossils, relative and absolute time, oceanography, biological and chemical properties, atmospheric structure, pollution, and climates around the world. (1/2 credit – Grades...


This course studies Christ-centered content that covers Earth’s structures and movements, fossils, relative and absolute time, oceanography, biological and chemical properties, atmospheric structure, pollution, and climates around the world. (1/2 credit – Grades...
Charity Christian Academy