Distance Education – Elementary School

Distance Education Program Overview

The Distance Education program offers a comprehensive homeschooling solution for parents seeking to educate their children from nursery school through eighth grade. This program provides high-quality textbooks and ensures official records are maintained, along with issuing report cards to track student progress.

Key Features of the Distance Education Program

Comprehensive Curriculum
  • Nursery School to Eighth Grade: The program covers a wide range of educational stages, providing a seamless transition from early education to middle school.

  • High-Quality Textbooks: Carefully selected textbooks are used to ensure a robust educational foundation, catering to various subjects and learning needs.

Administrative Support
  • Record Keeping: The school manages official records, relieving parents of this administrative task and ensuring that all educational milestones are documented accurately.

  • Report Cards: Regular report cards are issued, offering insights into the child’s academic performance and areas for improvement.

Cost-Effective Learning
  • Home Delivery: Textbooks are shipped directly to the parent’s home, providing convenience and ease of access to educational materials.

  • Reusable Books: Many of the textbooks are non-consumable, allowing them to be reused for other children. This feature helps families save money by reducing the need to purchase new materials for each child.

Benefits of the Program

  • Flexibility: Parents can tailor the learning experience to suit their child’s unique needs and pace, ensuring a personalized education.

  • Parental Involvement: By homeschooling, parents have the opportunity to be actively involved in their child’s education, fostering a closer educational relationship.

  • Quality Assurance: The use of well-regarded textbooks and the oversight of official records provide assurance of a quality educational experience.

This Distance Education program is designed to empower parents with the tools and support necessary to provide a high-quality education in the comfort of their home.



Curriculum Packages by Grade Level

First Grade

Charity Christian Academy