Vocational Diploma Graduation Requirements
Communications – 4 credits (3.5 credits English and .5 credit communications(speech, debate, forensics, or public speaking)
Society and Humanities – 7 credits (Social Studies – 2.5 credits and must include World and US History and Government) (Fine Arts – .5 credit
in any of the following: music, dance, art, theater) (Religious Studies – 3 credits)(one humanities/arts elective)
STEM – 7 credits (math – 3 credits)(science – 3 credits)(1 STEM elective can include science, technology, engineering, math, or computer science)
Employability and Life Skills – 6 credits (Physical education – .5 credit)(Health – .5 credit)(Personal Finance or Financial Literacy – .5
credit) (4.5 credits that align with the student’s post high school goals)
The remaining two credits come from either Career and Real World and/or Academic.
Career and Real World: Life Experience credits from any other the following and possibly other areas also: apprenticeships, community
service, work and agricultural experience, industry-recognized certifications, Eagle Scout and Girl Scout Gold Award ranks, Junior
Reserve Officer Training Corps, 4-H recognition, American Kennel Club Junior Handler, Short-term Mission, Camp Counselor, among others
Academic: Higher than average ACT score, college credit hours, high state Assessment scores, International Baccalaureate Program, etc