This is the first semester of a two-semester study of Computer Science for middle-school students. The students will learn basic principles of computing and skills that help them be successful in the digital world. Students will learn basic skills such as using software that create documents and store data. They explore computer science careers. Students investigate computing devices, software, and the components of networks. They learn troubleshooting techniques to help them when problems arise. Each unit includes a project, giving the student the opportunity to work with others, apply concepts and explore individual interests.


  • Unit 1: Learn basic skills and investigate a wide array of software used to create documents, store data, create publications, as well as explore careers that use and create the software.
  • Unit 2: Describe a variety of hardware and software, how to select them, and how programs work that control them.
  • Unit 3: Investigate a variety of devices and concepts—sensors, probes, artificial intelligence—and how they enhance everyday life.
  • Unit 4: Describe common computing problems with devices, software, webpages, and more, and strategies to solve them.
  • Unit 5: Investigate networks, data transmission, the internet, and how they both cause and solve problems.
  • Unit 6: Explore cybersecurity threats and methods of protecting digital information and hardware.
Charity Christian Academy