Spanish II

  Course Overview Spanish II is a high school foreign language course that builds upon skills and concepts taught in Spanish I, emphasizing communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. Course materials are designed to support students as they...

Spanish I

  Course Overview Spanish I is an entry level high school foreign language course that explores the Spanish language through communication, culture, connections, comparisons, and communities. Course materials are designed to support students as they work to gain a...


COURSE OVERVIEW Psychology is an introductory elective course for high school students. Throughout the course, students will examine influences on human actions and beliefs, factors influencing behavior and perception, and basic psychological theories. Students will...

Physical Fitness

Course Overview Physical Fitness is a semester-length elective designed for high school students. The course focuses on the health benefits of regular physical activity and of a long term exercise program. As students work through the course, they will learn about the...

Physical Education

COURSE OVERVIEW Physical Education is a semester-long elective designed for high school students. The course focuses on performance of individual and team sports, with explanations of proper technique, rules of the game, and preparation. Team sports introduced include...
Charity Christian Academy