Old Testament Survey – Full Year

Course Overview Old Testament Survey provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old Testament, from the creation of the world (Genesis) to the restoration of Israel and the ministry of its post-exilic prophets (Malachi). The survey...

Old Testament Survey 2

Course Overview Old Testament Survey 2 examines biblical history from the establishment of a monarchy in Israel to the Jewish people’s return to their homeland after decades of exile. As students survey these books of the Old Testament, they will continue to learn...

Old Testament Survey 1

Course Overview Course Description Old Testament Survey 1 introduces students to the first eight books of the Bible. The course begins with God’s creation of the world in Genesis 1 and ends with the story of Ruth during the time of the Israelite judges. As students...

Vietnam Era

Course Overview   What comes to mind when you think about the Vietnam Era? For many, that period represents a difficult time in U.S. history. It is defined by an unpopular war that claimed the lives of 58,000 Americans and some 3 million Vietnamese. In this...

World History

Course Overview   World History continues the process of developing in students an understanding of and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships. With an emphasis on Western Europe, the course surveys ancient...
Charity Christian Academy