10th Grade, Online Education, Science
Course Overview Earth Science is a high school science course that explores Earth’s structure, interacting systems, and place in the universe. The course uncovers concepts and processes found in: astronomy – Earth’s place in and interaction with space, geology –...
10th Grade, Online Education, Science
Designed for grades 7-12, Astronomy has five units and is the equivalent of one semester of study. Topics of study include the solar system, stars and constellations, the sun and Earth, eclipses, scientists, and space...
10th Grade, Mathematics, Online Education
Course Overview Semester B of Mathematical Models is designed for high school math students after the completion of Mathematical Models Semester A. The semester looks at applying mathematical modeling concepts to architecture, engineering, fine art, photography, and...
10th Grade, Online Education, Science
BIOLOGY Course Overview Biology is intended to expose students to the designs and patterns of living organisms that have been created by God. In preceding years, students should have developed a foundational understanding of life sciences. This biology course...
10th Grade, Mathematics, Online Education
Course Overview Mathematical Models with Applications A is designed for high school students who have completed Algebra I. The semester-length course starts with a review of the math skills that students will need throughout the course, then moves on to build their...
10th Grade, English Language Arts, Online Education
Course Overview Essentials of Communication: A Guide to Interacting Effectively in Today’s World™ is a five-unit elective course for high school students. The materials cover fundamentals of the communication process important for successful interaction in a...