8th Grade, Online Education, Science
Course Overview General Science II is a basic intermediate course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in God’s physical universe. This course expands on the Science 600 and General Science I courses, providing a set of basic scientific skills and...
9th Grade, Online Education, Science
Course Overview General Science III is a basic intermediate course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in God’s physical universe. This course expands on General Science I and II courses. Some of the areas covered in General Science III include...
9th Grade, Online Education, Science
Course Overview Integrated Physics and Chemistry is a physical science course designed for high school students needing an entry-level science course covering basic concepts found in chemistry and physics. Topics included in this course are matter, motion and forces,...
10th Grade, Online Education, Science
BIOLOGY Course Overview Biology is intended to expose students to the designs and patterns of living organisms that have been created by God. In preceding years, students should have developed a foundational understanding of life sciences. This biology course...
11th Grade, Online Education, Science
COURSE OVERVIEW Chemistry is intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in the world that God has created. In preceding years, students should have developed an understanding for the macroscopic properties of substances and been introduced to the...
12th Grade, Online Education, Science
PHYSICS COURSE OVERVIEW Physics is intended to expose students to the design and order in the world that God has created. In preceding years, students should have developed a basic understanding of the macroscopic and microscopic world of forces, motion, waves,...