12th Grade, Elective, Online Education
After this course, you will have all the information you need to register, study for, and hopefully do well on the...
12th Grade, Online Education, Science
PHYSICS COURSE OVERVIEW Physics is intended to expose students to the design and order in the world that God has created. In preceding years, students should have developed a basic understanding of the macroscopic and microscopic world of forces, motion, waves,...
12th Grade, Bible, Online Education
Course Overview Christian Faith and Living applies what students have learned in their study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. The course focuses on personal Christian ministry, the nature of God, comparative religions, and the writings of James, John,...
12th Grade, Bible, Online Education
Course Overview Christian Faith and Living Today Course Description Christian Faith and Living is a practical course about how to live as a Christian in our world. The course will provide students with the skills needed to study and interpret scripture, pray, relate...
12th Grade, History, Online Education
Course Overview Government and Economics continues the process of developing in students an understanding of and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships. The course focuses on two major areas: Government, with special...
12th Grade, Mathematics, Online Education
Course Overview Pre-calculus is a full-year, high school credit course that is intended for the student who has successfully mastered the core algebraic and conceptual geometric concepts covered in the prerequisite courses: Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. The...