10th Grade, English Language Arts, Online Education
Course Overview Essentials of Communication: A Guide to Interacting Effectively in Today’s World™ is a five-unit elective course for high school students. The materials cover fundamentals of the communication process important for successful interaction in a...
10th Grade, Mathematics, Online Education
Course Overview Mathematical Models with Applications A is designed for high school students who have completed Algebra I. The semester-length course starts with a review of the math skills that students will need throughout the course, then moves on to build their...
8th Grade, Mathematics, Online Education
Course Overview Mathematics 800 is an introductory algebra course designed to prepare junior-high school students for Algebra I. The course focuses on strengthening needed skills in problem solving, integers, equations, and graphing. Students will begin to see the...
3rd Grade, Bible, Online Education
Course Overview Bible 300 begins a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on Christian living, the lives of Jesus and Joseph, Bible study methods, Bible archaeology, friendship, and Christian...
4th Grade, Bible, Online Education
rogistok/Shutterstock.com Course Overview Bible 400 provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on the lives of Peter and Paul (also known as Saul), the existence and knowledge of God, Bible study...
5th Grade, Bible, Online Education
rogistok/Shutterstock.com Course Overview Bible 500 provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on biographies of faithful people, angels, the presence of God, Bible study methods, the...