Course Overview
Transportation and Distribution Logistics is a course intended to introduce students to the complicated world of commercial transportation. This area of commerce is becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated, with work and career openings available at all levels of education. Most people, however, see only fragments of the big picture.
Transportation is among the most crucial and defining elements of modern commerce. The ability to move people and goods from place to place requires vast investments of technology, and of manpower. Without that investment almost all aspects of modern life would grind to a halt.
- Describe the nature and scope of the Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career Cluster and the role of transportation, distribution, and logistics in society and the economy.
- Describe the application and use of new and emerging advanced techniques to provide solutions for transportation, distribution, and logistics problems.
- Describe the key operational activities required of successful transportation, distribution, and logistics facilities.
- Identify governmental policies and procedures for transportation, distribution, and logistics facilities.
- Describe transportation, distribution, and logistics employee rights, and responsibilities, and employers’ obligations concerning occupational safety and health.
- Describe career opportunities and means to achieve those opportunities in each of the transportation, distribution, and logistics career pathways.
- Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the major modes of transportation, and the technological innovations that are occurring in each area.
- Learn about the role of governmental agencies and their impact on transportation systems.
- Analyze financial data to develop budgets, and determine profitability, cost reduction, and asset utilization.
- Identify the job requirements and aptitude needed to successfully pursue different career pathways in the TDL areas.
Introduction to Careers in Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Course Requirements
There are no requirements that must be met before the student begins this course.
Introduction to Careers in Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Course Outline
Unit 1: Transportation Overview
- Chapter 1: Modes of Transportation
- Lesson: Characteristics of Each Transportation Model
- Project: Create a Shipping Plan
- Lesson: A Brief History of Transportation, Logistics and the Economic Environment
- Lesson: Careers in Transportation
- Project: A Week in the Life of a Transportation Worker
- Lesson: Characteristics of Each Transportation Model
- Chapter 2: Transportation of People and the Regulatory Environment
- Lesson: Mass Transportation
- Project: FAA Guideline for Pilots
- Lesson: The Regulatory and Competitive Environment for Transportation
- Lesson: Careers in Transportation that Move People
- Project: Understanding Education Requirements for Specific Jobs
- Lesson: Mass Transportation
Unit 2: Distribution and Warehousing
- Chapter 1: Inside Distribution Centers and Warehouses
- Lesson: Roles of Distribution
- Project: Design a Distribution Center
- Lesson: Warehouse Functions and Facilities Management
- Lesson: Facility Layout and Equipment
- Project: Visit a Warehouse
- Lesson: Roles of Distribution
- Chapter 2: Roles and Responsibilities in the Distribution Center
- Lesson: Automation in Distribution
- Project: Create an Advertisement
- Lesson: Managing Distribution Operations
- Lesson: Careers in Distribution Center Management
- Project: Interview a Warehouse Employee
- Lesson: Automation in Distribution
Unit 3: Transportation Systems, Infrastructure Planning, Management and Regulation
- Chapter 1: History of Transportation Systems
- Lesson: History of Transportation Systems in the USA
- Project: The Pony Express
- Lesson: History of Transportation Systems in Europe
- Project: Early Transportation Systems
- Lesson: History of Transportation Systems in Asia
- Lesson: History of Transportation Systems in the USA
- Chapter 2: Modern Transportation Infrastructure Management, Planning, and Regulation
- Lesson: Modern Transportation Infrastructure
- Project: Regulated Transportation Industry
- Lesson: Transportation Planning and Regulation in the United States
- Lesson: Careers in Transportation Planning and Regulation
- Project: Getting Around Your Community
- Lesson: Modern Transportation Infrastructure
Unit 4: Logistics and Logistics Services
- Chapter 1: Logistics Functions (Other than Transportation and Distribution)
- Lesson: Inventory Management
- Project: Design an Inventory Ordering System for Your Household
- Lesson: Purchasing
- Lesson: Reverse Logistics
- Project: Evaluate a Company’s Reverse Logistics Policies
- Lesson: Inventory Management
- Chapter 2: Outsourced and Military Logistics, and Logistics Careers
- Lesson: Third- and Fourth-Party Logistics
- Lesson: Logistics in the Military
- Project: United States Army Corps of Engineers: Their Contributions
- Lesson: Careers in Logistics
- Project: You: The Logistician
Unit 5: Future Trends in Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
- Chapter 1: Impact of Technology (Part 1)
- Lesson: Self-Driving Vehicles
- Project: Getting from Here to There without a Driver
- Lesson: Drones
- Lesson: Robots
- Project: Robotics in Our Future
- Lesson: Self-Driving Vehicles
- Chapter 2: Impact of Technology (Part 2)
- Lesson: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
- Project: The Evolution of RFID Technology
- Lesson: Increased Supply Chain Visibility
- Lesson: The Rebirth of Manufacturing in the USA
- Project: The Science Behind the Technology
- Lesson: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)