MS Computer Science A

Course Overview This is the first semester of a two-semester study of Computer Science for middle-school students. The students will learn basic principles of computing and skills that help them be successful in the digital world. Students will learn basic skills such...

Keyboarding and Applications

Course Overview Keyboarding and Applications is a semester-long elective that teaches students keyboarding skills, technical skills, effective communication skills, and productive work habits. In this course, students will learn about proper keyboarding technique....

Introduction to Network Systems

Course Overview How can we automate the transfer of information from one computer to another? To answer that question, this course introduces students to the fundamental technology and concepts that make networking systems possible. The question itself is a very...

American Literature

Course Overview American Literature is a five-unit elective that engages high school students in a literary conversation with some of the most colorful and influential minds in American history. Their words will give students a greater understanding of themselves,...

Office 2010 Applications II

COURSE OVERVIEW Office 2010 Applications II is a semester-length, high school elective course that explores the use of application skills in Microsoft® Excel® and Microsoft® Access®. Students will use these applications to design, develop, create, edit, and share...
Charity Christian Academy