
COURSE OVERVIEW   Trigonometry is a five-unit elective course for high school students who have successfully completed Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. The materials cover a development of trigonometry from right triangle trigonometry to oblique triangles and...


COURSE OVERVIEW Chemistry is intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in the world that God has created. In preceding years, students should have developed an understanding for the macroscopic properties of substances and been introduced to the...

Foundations for Living

Course Overview Foundations for Living is designed specifically with 11th and 12th graders in mind, Foundations for Living provides a Bible-based, sequential development of a Christian worldview through the use of fundamental truths from the Bible and the application...

Christian Theology

Content Overview Course Description Christian Theology introduces students to the study of theology and the major topics addressed in systematic theology: Revelation, theology proper (the doctrine of God), Christology, pneumatology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and...

American History

Created with image from Seita/ Course Overview American History continues the process of developing in students an understanding of and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships. The course covers early American...

English III

  Course Overview   English III continues to build on the sequential development and integration of communication skills in four major areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It most specifically focuses on deepening and furthering students’...
Charity Christian Academy